FedEx Stuck on Label Created? [Solved] Quick Fixes Await

FedEx Stuck on Label Created [Solved] Quick Fixes Await

Seeing your FedEx tracking status stuck on “label created” can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re expecting a shipment.

This article aims to explain what this status means, why it happens, and how you can get your package moving again.

Armed with the right information, you’ll be able to get your shipment unstuck and on its way. 


What Does “Label Created” Status Mean for FedEx Shipments?

What Does “Label Created” Status Mean for FedEx Shipments?

When you track your FedEx shipment and find the tracking status indicating “label created,” it signifies that a shipping label has been generated for your package.

However, it’s crucial to understand that FedEx still needs to get the package in its possession.

This scenario typically occurs when the sender has used FedEx’s online processing system to print the label. Yet, the package has not been tendered to FedEx.

It’s a preparatory step indicating that the process of shipping your package is underway, but the physical handover to FedEx is still pending.

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The “label created” message is FedEx’s way of communicating that while a label has indeed been made, the package remains with the shipper.

FedEx still needs to get custody of your shipment, and this status will persist until the package is dropped off at a FedEx facility or pickup location.

Understanding this can alleviate some of the anxiety that comes with seeing your shipment stuck at this initial stage.

It’s a reminder that the shipping process involves several steps, and the package is on its way to being fully integrated into FedEx’s delivery network.

Why Would a FedEx Shipment Get Stuck in “Label Created” Status?

There are several reasons why your FedEx shipment might be lingering in the “label created” stage. Let’s break down the common culprits:

Shipper Has Not Dropped Off the Package Yet

The most straightforward reason is that the shipper simply hasn’t dropped off the package at a FedEx facility. Often, a seller may print the label in anticipation of a delay in handing the package over to FedEx.

Missed Scan at Pickup

On occasion, a package that gets picked up or dropped off might miss its initial scan by FedEx.

This oversight results in the tracking system not updating, causing the status to remain on “label created” until it is scanned at a facility.

Label Printed Too Far in Advance

Sellers sometimes print labels well ahead of the ship date. In such cases, the shipment can appear to be stuck on “label created” status until it’s officially picked up on the designated ship date.

Package Rejected at Drop-off

There are instances when FedEx may reject a shipment at the drop-off point due to missing required documentation or if the package is oversized.

This requires the shipper to address the issues before the package can proceed.

Use of Third-Party Vendor

Some shippers opt for third-party shipping services that create labels before FedEx takes possession. This process can introduce a delay between label creation and when FedEx actually takes control of the shipment.

Having a clear understanding of these factors can help clarify why a package may become held up at this initial stage and underscore the significance of open communication channels between shippers, third-party suppliers, and FedEx.

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What Does It Mean If FedEx Tracking Is Stuck On “Label Created”?

When your package persistently shows the status “label created” for multiple days without any updates, it typically indicates a few critical points in the shipping process.

Primarily, it means that FedEx has not received the package from the shipper. In simpler terms, your item is still with the seller, waiting to be handed over to FedEx.

This situation often arises due to issues on the shipper’s end, which could involve delays in drop-off or pickup, or it might be due to an exception such as an incorrect address or the package being refused.

Further, the package remains with the seller until FedEx takes custody of it and scans it into their tracking system at an origin facility.

The presence of stuck labels typically signals that the handoff from merchant to FedEx has yet to occur.

It’s a clear sign that the transition of responsibility from the seller to the courier service is pending, hence why no progress appears in the tracking system.

Understanding this can help set realistic expectations regarding updates and delivery timelines.

How Long Will FedEx Stay Stuck on “Label Created”?

How Long Will FedEx Stay Stuck on “Label Created”
PC : fedex

Under normal circumstances, FedEx packages move beyond the “label created” status within 1-2 business days following the shipper’s drop-off of the box.

This swift transition reflects FedEx’s efficient processing, ensuring packages are quickly in transit. However, exceptions can extend this timeframe significantly, detailed as follows:

Shipper’s Delay

The package may stay stuck if the shipper is significantly delayed in tendering it to FedEx. This delay in handoff can pause the tracking progress at its initial stage.

Missed Scans

Repeated missed scans at pickup and in transit can hinder the package’s tracking status from updating, causing it to appear stagnant in the system.

Package Rejection

If the package is rejected for any reason, such as missing information or improper packaging, it requires correction before it can proceed in the shipping process. This necessity for rework can stall the status update.

Processing Delays

 Exceptions to team processing delays, often due to documentation issues or other anomalies, can delay the package’s progression beyond the label creation stage.

Severe Weather/Natural Disasters

 Severe weather conditions or natural disasters can cause major network disruptions, significantly impacting FedEx’s ability to process and move shipments efficiently.

If a shipment languishes in the “label created” status for over 3-4 days without any updates, it suggests an anomaly worthy of further investigation.

Such durations exceed typical FedEx operational standards, indicating potential issues in the shipping process that require attention.

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I’m Stuck in “Label Created” Status. What Should I Do Next?

Finding your FedEx shipment in a perpetual “label created” status can be disconcerting. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you navigate through this situation:

Contact the shipper

Reach out to the entity that sent your package. Inform them that your tracking is still on “label created” several days after purchase. They have the means to verify whether the package has been shipped from their end.

Confirm the ship date

Review your order details for any mention of a future ship date. Sometimes, label creation might occur days before the actual shipping begins.

Look for an email notification

Sometimes, shippers provide email confirmations that could contain important updates. Check if there’s any communication regarding delays or issues with your shipment.

Visit the FedEx tracking page

Input your tracking number on the FedEx website to see if there are any updates. Enrolling in text and email alerts can keep you informed about any changes in status.

Call FedEx customer service

If the above steps yield no progress, speaking directly to a representative can help. They can initiate a tracing case to investigate the whereabouts of your shipment. Dial 1.800.463.3339 for assistance.

Request proof of drop-off

Ask the shipper for any documentation that proves they have tendered your package to FedEx. This can serve as evidence that the shipper has fulfilled their part in the shipping process.

Open a claim after 5 days

If your package’s status remains unchanged for over 5 days, consider initiating a claim process through This formal action prompts FedEx to look into the matter more diligently.

When your shipment is stuck in “label created” status, it can be frustrating.

However, by taking a patient and proactive approach and following some guidelines, you can increase the chances of resolving the problem and getting your package moving again.

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Why Does FedEx Get Stuck on “Label Created” Status?

A FedEx shipment can find itself indefinitely hovering in the “label created” status for several underlying reasons, each contributing to a halt in the expected progress of your package through the delivery network.

Understanding these causes can demystify the delay and guide toward potential solutions:

FedEx still needs to get the package

The primary reason is often as straightforward as FedEx not yet having possession of the package.

Until the package is physically within its network, scans and tracking updates cannot commence, leaving the shipment lingering at its earliest stage.

Technical errors or integration issues

At times, the problem lies with technical errors or integration issues between the shipper’s label printing software and FedEx’s systems, resulting in tracking gaps.

Missed scans

A package can slip through without being scanned at pickup or various hubs along its journey, further delaying tracking updates.

Shipper errors

Mistakes on the shipper’s part, such as invalid addresses, improper packaging, or unresolved payment issues, can impede the package’s pickup.

Weather or natural disasters

External factors, such as severe storms or floods, fall outside of FedEx’s control but can significantly contribute to tracking delays.

Peak surcharges

Particularly during FedEx’s peak holiday season, an overwhelming volume may exceed capacity, leading to transit delays.

Each of these points highlights a different facet of the logistical challenges that can cause a shipment to remain in the “label created” status.

FedEx depends on shippers to tender packages correctly and on its own system’s efficiency for scans to occur consistently.

When any link in this chain breaks down, it necessitates resolution before tracking can reflect the true progress of the shipment.

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When a FedEx shipment displays a “label created” status, it means the shipping label is generated, but the package hasn’t been picked up by the courier.

This status may linger due to reasons like delayed drop-offs or technical issues.

If it persists, proactive measures such as contacting customer service or filing a claim can help advance the process. Staying proactive and persistent ensures a smoother and less stressful delivery experience.

Q1. Why does FedEx say “label created” when I have already shipped my package?

After shipping your package, expect a 1-2 business day delay before FedEx scans the barcode and updates the tracking status beyond “label created.”

This delay is typical as packages go through the pickup and sorting stages. Should the status not update after 2 days, it’s advisable to inquire with the shipper.

Q2. FedEx says “label created” but my package hasn’t arrived. What do I do?

Should the FedEx status remain on “label created” without the arrival of your package, reaching out to the seller is recommended.

They can verify whether the package has been handed over to FedEx. If it has and there are no scans within 2 days, consider escalating the matter by initiating a trace with FedEx.

Q3.What if FedEx stays stuck on “label created” for a week?

If your package’s status does not advance beyond “label created” for more than 5 business days without any updates, initiating a claim with FedEx is an option.

This starts an investigation into your shipment’s status. Additionally, contacting the seller for any records of drop-off or exceptions is also advisable.

Q4. My seller says they shipped the package, but FedEx still says “label created.” Why?

A delay may occur between the time a package is tendered and when FedEx performs the first scan at an origin facility.

If there’s no movement after 2 days, it’s recommended to contact FedEx and initiate a tracing case. FedEx can then check if the package is within their network but missed being scanned.

Q5. How long does FedEx take to update from “label created”?

After FedEx takes possession of a package, the first scan and tracking update usually occur within 1-2 business days, moving the status beyond “label created.”

If there is no change in status after 2 days, it’s advisable to follow up with both the shipper and FedEx.

Key Takeaways: FedEx Package Stuck on “Label Created”

When your FedEx shipment lingers on the “label created” status, it signals a few pivotal points in the shipment’s journey from shipper to recipient.

Here are the essential takeaways to guide you through this situation:

  • “Label created” indicates the shipper has printed a label but FedEx hasn’t taken the package.
  • Packages may stay in this state due to delayed drop-off, missed scans, or invalid addresses.
  • Contacting the seller and FedEx after two days can help identify and resolve delays.
  • Escalate by opening a claim with FedEx if the status doesn’t change for five days.
  • Technical issues, weather delays, and high-volume surcharges can also stall tracking updates.
  • Utilize FedEx’s customer service for assistance with getting a stuck package moving again.

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