Departure From Outward Office Of Exchange: What’s Next?

departure from outward office of exchange

If you’ve ordered a package from Japan and find yourself puzzling over the tracking status that reads “Departure from outward office of exchange,” you’re not alone.

This cryptic message often leaves recipients needing clarification and wondering about the next steps.

This status appears when your parcel has left the shipping facilities in Japan and is en route to its destination. With the country annually shipping around 10 million packages, it’s essential to grasp these statuses.

The key to understanding lies in recognizing that this status signifies a meaningful transition in the journey of your package, marking the moment it moves closer to you after the completion of export procedures.

This article will explain this pivotal phase and shed light on the implications for your awaited item.

An Understanding of “Departure From Outward Office Of Exchange” Update

An Understanding of Departure From Outward Office Of Exchange Update

When your package first arrives at the outward office of exchange in Japan, a series of steps are triggered, marking the beginning of its journey abroad.

This facility, typically located at an international airport, acts as the pivotal point for international packages moving from the origin country.

Here, the export process commences, ensuring that all goods are properly documented and ready for their next phase.

As a package is processed, it’s essential to monitor its tracking status.

A notification such as “Departure from Outward Office of Exchange” signals that your item is no longer in Japan; it has successfully passed through customs checks and has been scanned by Japan Post.

This update is a clear indicator that your shipment has been accepted for export and is now officially on its way to the destination country.

Once cleared, the package is released for export and handed over to an airline for transportation.

This transition is a crucial point in the delivery process, representing the moment when the package departs Japanese soil and begins its journey to your doorstep.

Handling these transitions smoothly requires meticulous attention to detail and an understanding of the complexities involved in international shipping logistics.

Check This Out: Shipment Has Been Given A Release Status By Customs

Why Does My Tracking Say “Departure from Outward Office of Exchange”?

When your tracking indicates the status “Departure from Outward Office of Exchange,” it signifies that your package has successfully left the outward office of exchange, a key transit point in Japan.

This milestone means that the shipment has been thoroughly scanned by Japan Post and has undergone necessary customs checks, ensuring compliance with international shipping regulations.

Once these formalities are complete, the package is released for export and entrusted to an airline for transportation.

This phase is a crucial point in the delivery process, as it marks the transition of your goods from their origin country to their final destination.

What Happens After The Outward Office Of Exchange In Japan

What Happens After The Outward Office Of Exchange In Japan

Once your package departs the outward office of exchange, it undergoes a series of stringent procedures to ensure safe and legal transit. The first step involves Export Customs Checks.

Here, customs checks are conducted to prevent prohibited or restricted items from being shipped illegally. Officials may inspect the package and its paperwork to confirm compliance with international regulations.

Security Screening

Following the customs clearance, your shipment is subjected to Security Screening.

An x-ray scanner scrutinizes the contents for any dangerous or hazardous materials, a crucial security measure to mitigate risks during air transport.

This screening is pivotal in ensuring that the contents meet all safety standards.

Handover to Airline

After clearing both customs and security, Japan Post will hand over the package to the airline, which then assumes responsibility for the parcel. The airline facilitates the transportation of your shipment.

Flight Departure

Finally, the package is loaded onto the scheduled flight headed towards your destination country.

Upon loading, the airline will scan the package, updating the tracking status to reflect its latest position en route to you.

This series of steps marks the comprehensive process ensuring your package’s journey from Japan to its final destination is monitored and secure.

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What’s The Time Timeline After Departed From Outward Office?

Once your package has left the outward office, the journey to your doorstep involves a series of time-sensitive steps.

Initially, the Flight duration and availability play crucial roles in determining how soon your shipment will embark on its next leg.

Upon clearing the outward office, the package faces Customs procedures in your country, which can vary in efficiency.

Typically, you can expect a Flight departure within 1-3 days, followed by Arrival at the destination country within 3-7 days.

The total Delivery process should ideally complete within 2 weeks, though this isn’t guaranteed and may take longer due to multiple factors such as local postal service efficiency and international logistics challenges.

What Does It Mean If My Package Stays At “Departure From Outward Office” For Many Days?

What Does It Mean If My Package Stays At “Departure From Outward Office For Many Days

When the tracking status of your package lingers on “Departure from outward office of exchange” for an extended period, it’s natural to feel concerned.

However, there are several common reasons why this might happen, each linked to logistical challenges beyond immediate control.

Delay in Flight Departure

Firstly, the airline might have delayed the scheduled flight due to weather, operational issues, or lack of cargo space.

Such delays impact the flight departure and consequently extend the transit time. During times of high travel or shipment volumes, these delays can be more frequent.

Peak Season Delays

Another typical scenario occurs during peak shopping periods like Christmas, when flight capacity is stretched thin.

Packages may endure days of waiting for available cargo space, leading to outbound congestion at shipping hubs.

Issue with Paperwork

On rare occasions, there could be a snag with the customs paperwork necessary for the package to ship.

Resolution of these issues can add days of delay, as corrections are made to meet international shipping regulations.

Problem Scanning the Package

Finally, if the barcode on a package is damaged or unreadable, it may not be scanned properly during the airline handover.

This failure results in the package remaining stuck on the “Departure” scan status, awaiting manual intervention to proceed.

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When Should I Start Worrying About My Package From Japan?

If your tracking status remains at “Departure from outward office of exchange” longer than expected, it’s natural to feel concerned.

However, as a rule of thumb, it’s advisable to wait at least 10 days after your package leaves the outward office before escalating concerns.

This timeframe accounts for standard delays and transit time typically seen in international shipping.

If you notice certain signs, then contacting the seller sooner may be prudent.

These include if the scheduled flight has departed days ago, but tracking shows no updates after the departure scan, or if it’s been over 3 weeks with no delivery.

In these cases, the seller should contact Japan Post to investigate further.

Always ensure to communicate politely and cooperate with their requests to facilitate the investigation and potentially expedite the resolution process.

How Do I Track My Package From Japan?

How Do I Track My Package From Japan

Once you receive a tracking number or EMS code from Japan Post, you can easily track your package via their website.

For more comprehensive tracking, platforms like AfterShip and 17Track offer detailed insights, especially useful if your package is entering the U.S. and will be handled by USPS, or the UK, where it may transition to Royal Mail.

It’s crucial to save the tracking number and regularly check for status updates.

Keep a close eye particularly after the outward office departure scan, as this marks a critical transition in your package’s journey, indicating it has left the international shipping hub and is on its way to you.

What If I Don’t Recieve My Package From Japan?

If weeks pass after the departure scan with no delivery confirmation, and your package from Japan seems lost or significantly delayed, there are several steps you can take.

Firstly, contact the seller and politely inform them that you haven’t received the package. It’s crucial to provide the tracking number and ask them to follow up with Japan Post to ascertain the whereabouts of your shipment.

Consider Your Consumer Rights

Should the seller’s efforts prove fruitless, you may need to Dispute a claim.

If you paid by credit card or used a service like Paypal, you have the option to open a dispute.

This action can help you claim a refund for the undelivered package, providing financial protection against lost shipments.

Look for External Delays

It’s also advisable to Check for delays directly with Japan Post or the airline.

Sometimes, advisories about delays or suspensions to your destination can explain prolonged transit times, suggesting that your package may still arrive eventually.

Last Resort Measures

As a last resort, Consider a mail search through Japan Post, which can conduct a formal search for missing international mail.

This step is initiated by the seller and, although it takes time, it may successfully locate your package.

Remaining proactive and patient throughout this process is key, and if there’s still no delivery within 6 weeks despite a departure scan, it’s reasonable to request a reshipment or refund from the seller.

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When the status of your Japan package reads “Departure from outward office of exchange,” it means your package has left Japan and is on its export journey.

After customs checks and security screening, it’s handed to the airline. Arrival in your country typically takes 3-7 days after airline handover.

If not delivered within 10 days of the departure scan, remain patient but contact the seller for any updates.

Keep monitoring the tracking number and stay positive; international deliveries can vary, but consistent communication helps ensure its arrival.

Q1. How many days does a package stay in transit?

Typically, domestic shipments arrive within 2-5 business days, while international shipments may take 7-21 days or longer.

Q2. Who is using 17Track to track USPS packages?

17TRACK is used by hundreds of millions of users across more than 230 countries worldwide to track 2,121 packages.

Q3. Is it normal for a package to be in transit for a week?

The process may range from several hours to a few days, or even weeks.

Q4.Is 17TRACK net real or fake?

Yes, 17TRACK is a legitimate website.

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