Clearance in Progress: What You Need to Know


When your eagerly anticipated UPS package is on its way, and you check the tracking status only to find the phrase “clearance in progress,” it can indeed raise some questions.

It might appear perplexing initially, but fear not; this update holds valuable information about the journey your package is on.

So, let’s dig deeper into what clearance in progress signifies for your UPS package delivery.

When a package embarks on an international journey, it encounters customs clearance at its destination.

This routine customs clearance process ensures that the package adheres to all regulations, confirming the accuracy of its documentation and the contents within.

This meticulous inspection is a standard protocol, so there’s no need for undue concern. While your parcel awaits its turn for clearance, minor delays may occur due to various factors, but this doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem.

The customs process duration can vary, but staying informed is crucial.

We’ll explore what clearance in progress entails and how long it typically takes, providing you with the insights you need to keep track of your UPS shipment status effectively.

So, let’s guide you through this topic together and ensure you’re well-prepared for your package’s journey through the customs clearance process.

What Does “Clearance in Progress” Specifically Mean?


When you spot the “clearance in progress” status notification regarding your UPS package, it signifies a significant milestone in its journey.

This update implies that your parcel has safely reached its intended destination country. At this point, it is meticulously undergoing standard customs processing and regulations checks.

In essence, it’s in the hands of customs authorities, who are diligently ensuring that everything within your package aligns with the prescribed rules and documentation.

This detailed inspection is a routine part of the process, aiming to validate the accuracy of your package’s contents before it proceeds to its final stage: delivery.

So, while the message might initially raise questions, it’s essentially a reassurance that your package is on track and being handled with care before it reaches your doorstep.

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Why Would a Package Have Clearance in Progress?

“Clearance in progress” status is common for international UPS packages.The reason is the mandatory customs clearance process.

Customs checks include:

  1. Verifying that the package contents match the provided shipment paperwork.
  2. Confirming compliance with import regulations.
  3. Ensuring taxes and duties are paid appropriately.
  4. Authorizing goods for entry into the destination country.

This process is not unique to UPS; it applies to all international shipments.While it may cause a slight delay, it ensures compliance with regulations and a smooth delivery experience.

How Long Does Clearance in Progress Take with UPS?

  • The duration of clearance in progress can vary widely.
  • On average, the UPS clearance process typically spans 24-72 hours.
  • Customs clearance time is variable and influenced by multiple factors.
  • Packages can clear customs in a few hours to 3-5 days depending on inspection needs.
  • Clearance time depends on destination, goods type, documentation accuracy, and inspection severity.
  • Shipments to countries like Canada or EU nations often have faster processing times.

Factors Influencing Clearance Time

  • Shipment Destination: Different countries may have different customs processing times.
  • Type of Goods: The nature of the items in the package can impact clearance duration.
  • Accuracy of Documentation: Proper and accurate paperwork can expedite the process.
  • Severity of Inspection: Some packages require more thorough inspections, leading to longer clearance times.
  • Destination-specific: Certain countries have streamlined processes that result in quicker clearances.

In essence, while there’s a general timeframe for UPS clearance, understanding these influencing factors can help you anticipate the duration more accurately.

What Happens After Clearance in Progress?

After the phase of clearance is in progress, UPS moves swiftly to resume the delivery of your eagerly awaited package.

The subsequent tracking updates will likely include messages like “Package available for clearance” or “Clearance processing complete,” indicating that your shipment has successfully navigated customs.

At this juncture, your package has not only passed inspection but also exited customs.

The final leg of its journey involves delivering it to the designated address, marking the culmination of the customs clearance process.

This stage assures you that your package is now en route to its destination, putting you one step closer to receiving your long-awaited delivery.

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Tips for Expediting Clearance Process

Although UPS does not have direct control over customs time frames, certain tactics can be employed to expedite the clearance process for your package.

  • Ensure accuracy in shipment details, like item descriptions, HS codes, and values, to match paperwork with contents for quicker customs clearance.
  • Label package contents clearly for efficient identification by customs, reducing delays.
  • Avoid shipping illegal or banned items to comply with regulations and ensure smooth delivery.
  • Opt for duties pre-paid to facilitate swifter customs clearance.
  • Check destination country’s customs regulations in advance to expedite package clearance.

By following these recommended procedures, you can optimize the customs process, shorten waiting periods, and guarantee a hassle-free experience for your UPS shipment.

What if Package Stuck in Clearance for Too Long?

What if Package Stuck in Clearance for Too Long?
  • If your package remains in clearance status for more than 4-5 days, investigate further.
  • Possible Reasons for Delay:
  1. Missing or inaccurate paperwork.
  2. Selected for additional inspection.
  3. Problems verifying declared value.
  4. Need for a permit or license for certain goods.
  • Initiate direct contact with UPS to inquire about the delay and gain more insights into the situation.
  • UPS can liaise with the customs agency responsible for your package to obtain details on the delay.
  • If needed, UPS can assist by submitting corrections to paperwork or providing additional shipment details required by customs.

By following these steps, you can address the delay effectively and expedite the clearance process for your package.

Is My Package in Customs Seizure or Confiscated?

If you suspect your package has encountered issues with customs, it’s essential to understand the nuances between seizure and confiscation:

A package may be seized by customs if it’s found in violation of import laws. Common reasons include:

  1. It contains prohibited or illegal contents.
  2. Person Carrying undeclared hazardous materials.
  3. Undervaluing goods to avoid paying duties.
  4. It contains counterfeit products.

In severe cases, customs may confiscate goods and refuse delivery. This action typically occurs when the violation is substantial and the items pose a significant risk.

Should you suspect that your package has encountered such issues, contact UPS immediately to determine the appropriate next steps. While customs issues can be concerning, it’s crucial to remember that seizure and confiscation are extremely uncommon.

Most delays in the clearance process are routine and eventually resolved, ensuring your package continues its journey to your doorstep.

Clearance in Progress Scams to Watch For

When your package shows a clearance in progress status, exercise caution to avoid falling victim to potential scams.

Some fraudsters may attempt to exploit this situation, falsely claiming that your package is being held until you pay extra customs fees.

Remember that UPS will only ask for payment through calls, emails, or texts in their official app or website.

If you encounter such demands for money to release your shipment during the clearance process, consider them fraudulent and refrain from providing personal information or making unexpected payments.

Instead, promptly report any scam attempts, allowing UPS security to address and handle fraudulent activities related to your package effectively.

Staying vigilant in these situations ensures a secure and hassle-free experience with your UPS package delivery.

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Can I Track My Package Through Clearance?

With UPS, you can keep a close eye on your package’s progress as it goes through the customs clearance process, thanks to their extensive tracking system.

Here are the steps to ensure you can effectively track your shipment during this phase:

Initial Processing

Package reaches UPS customs-controlled warehouse for initial processing.

Customs Inspection

Shipment enters customs inspection, providing a status update on the process.

Inspection Completion

Status displayed once package passes inspection and is ready to exit customs.

Customs Clearance

Shipment officially clears customs and is released for delivery.

Post-Clearance Handling

Package is handed back to UPS for the final delivery process after customs clearance.

You can make use of various UPS tracking tools, including their website, email alerts, text messages, and mobile app, to receive ongoing updates regarding your package’s progress as it clears customs.

Additionally, signing up for text or email tracking notifications ensures you stay informed, especially if your shipment encounters any delays during the clearance process. 

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How Long in Clearance Does It Take Before I Should Take Action?

When your UPS package is marked with “Clearance in Progress,” it signifies that your shipment is currently undergoing customs clearance procedures in the destination country.

This phase is pivotal, as it determines how soon you’ll receive your eagerly anticipated delivery. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know and when to take action:

Clearance Duration

Typically, most packages smoothly navigate through clearance within the span of 24 to 72 hours.

This is when customs authorities review and approve your shipment’s documentation, ensuring it complies with local regulations.

Tracking Updates

While your package is in clearance, monitor its tracking updates closely. If you notice no progress or tracking updates after 3 days, it’s a cue to take action.

Immediate Action

At this point, it’s prudent to contact UPS for a tracking update. Sometimes, a simple inquiry can provide clarity on your package’s status and ease your concerns.

Extended Delay

If the package remains in clearance for 5 days or more without significant progress, it’s time to escalate the situation.

Contact UPS and request that they engage with customs to determine the cause of the hold-up.

Excessive Wait

Waiting for 7 days or longer in customs without taking action can be excessive. In such cases, consider opening an investigation into the delays to expedite the resolution process.

Timely Resolution

Keep in mind that the majority of delayed packages find resolution within 3-5 days after inquiring with UPS about the hold-up. Acting promptly can get your shipment back on track for a swift and successful delivery.

Remember, while customs clearance can introduce temporary delays, staying informed and taking timely action can significantly contribute to a smoother UPS package delivery experience.

Will UPS Deliver My Package on Time?

Will UPS Deliver My Package on Time?

When your UPS package displays “Clearance in Progress,” you might wonder whether it will arrive as promised. The good news is that UPS factors standard customs delays into its estimated delivery dates.

So, in most cases, the clearance process won’t significantly affect your expected delivery time.

However, it’s essential to stay vigilant and regularly check the progress and estimated delivery ETA as your package navigates through customs.

UPS takes proactive measures to keep you informed about any exceptional delays that might impact your package’s arrival.

While clearance in progress may lead to brief holds, rest assured that UPS is committed to ensuring the safe and swift delivery of your package during its international shipping journey, making every effort to keep you on track with your expected delivery date.

Key Takeaways on UPS Clearance in Progress

  1. Clearance in progress is a standard inspection step for all international packages.
  2. Customs clearance typically takes 24-72 hours, but 3-5 day delays can occur.
  3. Accurate shipment details and descriptions expedite the customs process.
  4. Monitor your package’s progress online and via alerts to stay informed.
  5. Contact UPS if your package is stuck in customs for more than 4 days for insights.
  6. Be patient with customs delays as most shipments pass inspection and resume delivery.

Understanding these key takeaways will empower you to navigate the process of UPS package delivery with greater confidence.

By staying informed, proactive, and patient, you can ensure that your shipment successfully clears customs without excessive delays.

Next Read:UPS Tracking Older Than 120 Days

A “Clearance in Progress” status on a UPS package indicates it’s undergoing customs inspection, a routine process that usually takes 24 to 72 hours.

For a smoother delivery, ensure shipment details are accurate and monitor tracking updates. If delays occur, contact UPS for support.

Despite potential waits, UPS’s efficient communication and commitment to timely delivery aim to minimize inconvenience and keep you updated throughout the process.

Q1. Is clearance delay bad?

When engaging in international shipping or importing products across borders, encountering a clearance delay is highly undesirable.

In an era where fast, and sometimes even free, shipping is expected, lengthy delays in imports are unaffordable.

Bottlenecks caused by issues at customs signify a critical problem: the inability to deliver products to your customers.

Q2. Why is my government clearance taking so long?

Security clearances may take longer in some instances if there is a mistake or missing information on the application.

In such cases, the initial paperwork might need to be revised and resubmitted, or additional supporting documents could be required.

Q3. What does UPS mean when they say your package is prepared for clearance?

The package is making its way through the process in preparation for customs.

Q4. What does clearance completed mean on a package?

Completion of the customs clearance process indicates that the item has passed through the customs of the receiving country and is ready for further transition towards its final destination.

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